Thursday, February 19, 2015

4 Years.. I am doing just fine!

Nearly every blog post I apologize for not posting more often and my habit of procrastination...but I'm not going to do that this time.  Anyone who reads this regularly has already come to the conclusion I am hopeless!

Feb 10th was my 4 year anniversary since my diagnosis and I thought that was the perfect opportunity for another post.. Better late than never right?

So, Feb 10th I was given news that changed my life forever.  (Go back to the beginning HERE)
It didn't change for the better and I would probably rather not know, but I do so here we are.

Ive listed the things Ive learned for each of my anniversaries so the tradition continues:

  • I've learned to trust my gut on most things... Aug 2011 I was told I must have surgery right away, but they couldn't tell me what would happen if I didn't.  I'm hard headed as hell (no pun intended) and have not had surgery.  I am more healthy today than the day I was given the news.  Doctors don't always know whats best, trust your gut when its trying to tell you something 
  • I've learned that Feb. 27th is rare disease day and as rare as I am, the number of people who struggle with these rare diseases everyday make me a little less alone in all this.  There are 7000 rare diseases listed in the US... that is a lot of people dealing with something very few know anything about.  Remember us that day... Say a prayer, we all could use it   
  • I've learned, I am going to make it through this and I am stronger than I thought I was.  I can face what comes because I have no choice...  I have stopped worrying everyday about what this thing is going to do to me and how it will turn out in the end.  There is no use in mourning the loss of the life you are still living happily... So I don't.  

That's the condensed list... I could go on, but you get the picture.  I am doing okay, physically and mentally and feel more confident every day I make it through.  So overall a happy anniversary. :)

An update on me...

Pretty damn good.  

I'll elaborate tho... I have symptoms, but I've learned what to do to help control them.  Everyday I remember my golden rules... (Here they are). I live by them, I've added to them and modified others, but posture and hydration are what is the difference between normal happy healthy Courtney and nightmarish headaches and BI/CM symptoms.

That's it... Life is good.

PS: as always if you have this or have family that does, I pray for you.  Its scary, but its not the end.  I love talking with others who also have this.  If you have contacted me and I haven't responded 😁 it's because the mailbox for this account if chock full of spam.  Email me here:  I promise to check it!!

Ill post again... Eventually lol.